Monday, November 9, 2015

Using our Imaginations to See

If you are interested in fun and easy drawing activity to activate the right side of your brain, I've got just the one for you! Take some strips of tape and place them randomly on a piece of paper. Turn your paper around until you "see" an animal or creature in the tape. Then use a pencil to outline the animal; you can add more details with colored pencils and markers.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Why is Drawing Important?

I just wanted to share this video because it really aligns with my thinking. We all appreciate the arts, but it's important to think deeply about why we appreciate them, and why we need them...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Drawing Featheriness

Feathers make excellent subjects for drawing. Kindergarten students studied a variety of feathers today, representing them using a wide selection of materials to demonstrate their fluffy, light-weight nature. Students were able to select materials they found necessary. These materials included graphite pencils, water-soluble graphite crayons, charcoal pencils, vine charcoal, handwriting pens, metallic crayons, white cray-pas, and watercolor paints.